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Things You Should Know About Emergency Dental Care for Children

Emergency Dental Care for Children

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Parents will do whatever it takes to guarantee the safety of their children. However, accidents can occasionally cause a dental emergency. It is crucial to act appropriately in such circumstances without panicking. Dental problems are rarely considered major injuries. However, they can impair the child’s lips and speech.

What Is Emergency Dental Care For Children?

Any incident that brings the child pain or discomfort in the oral and lower face area is classified as emergency dental care. Pain is a common indicator that something needs to be looked at. Most dental problems can be cured at home. However, some dental emergencies need immediate professional attention. 

When Should You Consider Emergency Dental Care For Children?

Chipped Or Cracked Tooth

Children are prone to falling. They may also get hit while playing sports. Some of these falls may result in a chipped or cracked tooth. During this situation, rinse out the mouth of the child with water. Press a cold press against the cheek if you identify the injury. It is also a good idea to preserve the chipped piece of tooth. Sometimes, the dentist can stick the tooth back.

Knocked-Out Teeth

Losing permanent teeth is different from milk teeth. If the milk teeth are knocked out, the permanent teeth can grow back in their place. This is not possible for the permanent tooth.

In case the permanent tooth is knocked out, follow the 4 steps given below:

  1. Pick up the tooth by the crown. Be careful not to touch the root.
  2. Put the tooth in a cup of milk. It will preserve the tooth till you go to the dentist.
  3. Do not try to put the tooth back into the socket, as it can harm the gums.
  4. Rinse the child’s mouth with water and put gauze on the wound.

Hurry your child to emergency dental care. The dentist will make an implant of the preserved tooth, if possible. 

Severe Toothache

Toothache in children is common. Brushing and flossing can remove food debris stuck between teeth. If the pain persists for some time, it can be a sign of cavities or abscesses. You can give the child anti-inflammatory and painkillers until you reach the dental care.

Swollen Or Broken Jaw

If you believe your child has a broken jaw, take them to emergency dental care immediately. Typical symptoms of a broken jaw are swollen or misshapen jaw, bruising on cheeks, and bleeding from gums. Your child may also experience vomiting, nausea, and pain below the ears. 

The treatment the child receives depends on the condition of their jaw. Jaw wiring might be necessary to bring their jaw to the right place. 

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding from gums is common and nothing to worry about. It is a sign that your child needs better dental care. If this continues, there can be chances of infection. Give antibiotics to your child. Make them bite onto a soft cloth, and call the dentist immediately. Open wounds in the mouth can harbor bacteria that give rise to major dental problems.

Dental Abscess

Dental abscesses are indicated by pus and swelling around the tooth. You should never attempt to remove pus by yourself at home. Abscessed tooth indicated tooth-root decay. It needs minor surgery. If ignored, the dentist may need to perform tooth extraction surgery.

Injured Cheek, Lip, Or Tongue

Children often play rough with each other. This can result in injury in their facial areas. If the injury is external, wash the affected area thoroughly with clean water and put some antiseptic cream on the wound. Take them to emergency dental care if the injury is too serious.

The Bottom Line

Children’s safety is always the priority of parents. There are many benefits of emergency dental care for children. As a parent, it is important to know what goes on with your child’s mouth. Dental emergencies should never be ignored and need to be treated with utmost care and responsibility.

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