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How to cure cracked teeth pain?

cracked teeth

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Cracked teeth can be a source of immense pain, discomfort, and embarrassment. Fortunately, with the right treatment and proper care, you can easily get rid of cracked teeth pain and restore your smile. In this article, we’ll discuss how to cure cracked tooth pain quickly and safely.

A cracked tooth is one of the most common dental issues that people face today due to wear and tear over time or accidental injury. It can be a very painful experience if not treated properly but fortunately, there are some treatments available to help relieve the pain. After an accurate diagnosis by an experienced dentist, they recommend suitable treatment options depending on the severity of the crack in order to restore your oral health back to normal.


It is important to get a proper diagnosis from your dentist in order to identify the extent of the crack and determine what treatment options are available for you. Your dentist will use an x-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan to check whether there is any damage inside the tooth, such as a fracture or nerve involvement. Based on the diagnosis, they can advise on the most suitable course of action.

Visual Examination

Your dentist will first carry out a thorough visual examination of your teeth with dental instruments like mirrors and probes. This initial inspection gives them an idea of the extent of damage done by the crack as well as whether it has affected other areas such as the gums and jawbone.

X-rays or CT scans

Your dentist may also use X-rays or a CT scan to get a better look at the cracked tooth and surrounding tissue. This helps them assess the exact extent of damage and decide on the best treatment for you.

Dental Restorations

Once your dentist has identified the crack, they may suggest dental restorations such as a crown or filling in order to restore your damaged teeth. Depending on the severity of the crack, these treatments can help reduce pain and discomfort while preventing further damage from occurring.

Treatment Options

The type of treatment recommended by your dentist depends on the extent of the crack in your tooth. Here are some of the most common treatment options available for cracked teeth:


If the crack is minor, then a simple dental bond may be enough to repair it. This involves applying a special adhesive material to fill up the cracks and restore the appearance of your teeth. It’s also relatively inexpensive compared to other treatments and takes only one visit to complete.

Root Canal Therapy

If the crack has caused damage inside the tooth, then root canal therapy may be necessary. This involves removing any decayed or infected tissue from inside the tooth before filling it up with a special material. After this procedure, your dentist may recommend a crown to provide additional protection.


In some cases, the damage caused by the crack may be too severe for it to be repaired. In this case, your dentist may advise you to get the tooth extracted in order to prevent further damage and discomfort.


Cracked teeth can be a source of immense pain and discomfort, but with proper diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to restore your teeth back to normal. It is important to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups as well as follow their advice on how best to take care of your teeth in order to ensure long-term oral health.

Q1: What causes cracked teeth?

A1: Cracked teeth can be caused by a number of factors such as excessive wear and tear, tooth grinding, or accidental trauma.

Q2: How long does it take for cracked teeth to heal?

A2: The time taken for cracked teeth to heal depends on the extent of the crack as well as the treatment options used. Generally speaking, minor cracks can be repaired in one visit while more severe cases may require multiple visits or even extraction.

Q3: Is there any way to prevent cracked teeth?

A3: You can limit your risk of developing cracked teeth by avoiding certain habits such as eating hard foods, chewing ice cubes, and using your teeth for activities other than eating. Additionally, you should visit your dentist regularly for check-ups so that any potential problems can be caught early.

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